Laurence Eymard Membre du département tropo Laurence.Eymard @ Tél : 0144278446 | |
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Publications au LATMOS depuis sa création (2009)
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture
PartiCitaE : Histoire et enseignement d'une expérimentation pas à pas PartiCitaE: history and lessons from a step-by-step experiment
Turcati L., Legrand M., Plattner G., Eymard L.
Technologie et innovation, 2022, 7, ⟨10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0871⟩ - insu-03791642
Sea surface temperature impact on diurnal cycle and seasonal evolution of the Guinea Coast Rainfall in boreal spring and summer
Tanguy M., de Coëtlogon G., Eymard L.
Monthly Weather Review, 2022, 150 (12), pp.3175-3194. ⟨10.1175/MWR-D-21-0155.1⟩ - insu-03542344
On the spatial representativeness of NOX and PM10 monitoring-sites in Paris, France
Rodriguez D., Valari M., Payan S., Eymard L.
Atmospheric Environment, 2019, 1, pp.100010. ⟨10.1016/j.aeaoa.2019.100010⟩ - insu-01991752
NOX and PM10 Bayesian concentration estimates using high-resolution numerical simulations and ground measurements over Paris, France
Rodriguez D., Parent É., Eymard L., Valari M., Payan S.
Atmospheric environment: X, 2019, 3, pp.100038. ⟨10.1016/j.aeaoa.2019.100038⟩ - insu-02158416
Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
Ayhan S., Pauli M., Scherr S., Gottel B., Bhutani A., Thomas S., Jaeschke T., Panel J.-M., Vivier F., Eymard L., Weill A. et al.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017, 55 (2), pp.854 - 861. ⟨10.1109/TGRS.2016.2616441⟩ - insu-01405807
Seasonal influence of the sea surface temperature on the low atmospheric circulation and precipitation in the eastern equatorial Atlantic
Meynadier R., de Coëtlogon G., Leduc-Leballeur M., Eymard L., Janicot S.
Climate Dynamics, 2016, 47 (3), pp.1127-1142. ⟨10.1007/s00382-015-2892-7⟩ - insu-01229906
Sensitivity testing of WRF parameterizations on air-sea interaction and its impact on water cycle in the Gulf of Guinea
Meynadier R., de Coëtlogon G., Bastin S., Eymard L., Janicot S.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2015, 141 (690), pp.1804-1820. ⟨10.1002/qj.2483⟩ - hal-01076178
Analysis of Strengthening and Dissipating Mesoscale Convective Systems Propagating off the West African Coast
Dieng A. L., Eymard L., Sall S. M., Lazar A., Leduc-Leballeur M.
Monthly Weather Review, 2014, 142 (12), pp.4600-4623. ⟨10.1175/MWR-D-13-00388.1⟩ - hal-01113052
Atmospheric response to sea-surface temperature in the eastern equatorial Atlantic at quasi-biweekly time-scales
de Coëtlogon G., Leduc-Leballeur M., Bastin S., Meynadier R., Diakhaté M., Giordani H., Eymard L., Janicot S., Lazar A.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2014, 140 (682), pp.1700-1714. ⟨10.1002/qj.2250⟩ - hal-00862495
Expected improvements in the atmospheric humidity profile retrieval using the Megha-Tropiques microwave payload
Brogniez H., Kirstetter P.-E., Eymard L.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2013, 139 (673), pp.842-851. ⟨10.1002/qj.1869⟩ - hal-00655085
Air-sea interaction in the Gulf of Guinea at intraseasonal time-scales: wind bursts and coastal precipitation in boreal spring
Leduc-Leballeur M., de Coëtlogon G., Eymard L.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2013, 139 (671), pp.387-400. ⟨10.1002/qj.1981⟩ - hal-00716732
Monitoring the West African heat low at seasonal and intra-seasonal timescales using AMSU-A sounder
Lavaysse C., Eymard L., Flamant C., Karbou F., Mimouni M., Saci A.
Atmospheric Science Letters, 2013, 14 (4), pp.263-271. ⟨10.1002/asl2.449⟩ - hal-00849824
L'observation spatiale dans le programme AMMA.
Eymard L., Baron C., Caniaux G., Flamant C., Kergoat L., Karbou F., Ndione J. A., Pellarin T., Martiny N., Ramarohetra J., Vintrou E. et al.
La Météorologie, 2012, octobre, Spécial AMMA, pp.80-89. ⟨10.4267/2042/48136⟩ - hal-00753390
First Observations of Energy Budget and Bulk Fluxes at Ny Ålesund (Svalbard) during a 2010 Transition Period as Analyzed with the BEAR Station
Weill A., Eymard L., Vivier F., Matulka A., Loisil R., Amarouche N., Panel J.-M., Lourenço A., Viola A., Vitale V., Argentini S. et al.
ISRN Meteorology, 2012, 2012, ID 675820 (12 p.). ⟨10.5402/2012/675820⟩ - hal-00705573
Les avancées d'AMMA sur les interactions océan-atmosphère
Caniaux G., Giordani H., Redelsperger J.-L., Wade M., Bourlès B., Bourras D., de Coëtlogon G., Du Penhoat Y., Janicot S., Key E., Koffi U. et al.
La Météorologie, 2012, Octobre, Spécial AMMA, pp.17-24. ⟨10.4267/2042/48128⟩ - hal-00751476
Observation of the marine atmospheric boundary layer in the Gulf of Guinea during the 2006 boreal spring
Leduc-Leballeur M., Eymard L., de Coëtlogon G.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2011, 137 (657), pp.992-1003. ⟨10.1002/qj.808⟩ - hal-00593748
BEAR, une station de mesure pour l'océan Arctique
Loisil R., Eymard L., Amarouche N., Panel J.-M., Lourenço A., Matulka A., Weill A., Vivier F., Dechambre M., Viola A., Vitale V. et al.
La Météorologie, 2011, 74, pp.23-34. ⟨10.4267/2042/43878⟩ - hal-00680350
Supplement to Cirene: Air-Sea Interactions in the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge Region
Vialard J., Duvel J.-P., Mcphaden M. J., Bouruet-Aubertot P., Ward B., Key E., Bourras D., Weller R., Minnett P. J., Weill A., Cassou C. et al.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2009, 90 (1), pp.ES1-ES4. ⟨10.1175/2008BAMS2499.2⟩ - hal-00361424
Cirene: Air-Sea Interactions in the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge Region
Vialard J., Duvel J.-P., Mcphaden M. J., Bouruet-Aubertot P., Ward B., Key E., Bourras D., Weller R., Minnett P. J., Weill A., Cassou C. et al.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2009, 90 (1), pp.45-61. ⟨10.1175/2008BAMS2499.1⟩ - hal-00361422
Turbulent air-sea fluxes in the Gulf of Guinea during the AMMA experiment
Bourras D., Weill A., Caniaux G., Eymard L., Bourlès B., Letourneur S., Legain D., Key E., Baudin F., Piguet B., Traullé O. et al.
Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans, 2009, 114, pp.C04014. ⟨10.1029/2008JC004951⟩ - hal-00605939
Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture
From the French Citizens' Convention on Climate to the Conference on the Future of Europe: A participatory science and democracy perspective
Eymard L.
European Law Journal, 2020, 26 (1-2), pp.136-140. ⟨10.1111/eulj.12369⟩ - insu-03029398
Londres, Barcelone, une inspiration pour le Grand Paris ? Objectif Grand Paris Magazine, rubrique Expertise
Cohen M., Eymard L., Courault R., Muller S.
2022, pp.84-86 - hal-03932286 - (Autres publication)
Performance comparison between electrochemical and semiconductors sensors for the monitoring of O3
Claveau C., Giraudon M., Coville B., Saussac A., Eymard L., Turcati L., Payan S.
2022 - insu-03671828 - (Prépublication, Document de travail)
Mapping effects of heatwaves on urban systems: a comparison Greater London -Métropole du Grand Paris
Courault R., Cohen M., Eymard L., Muller S.
7ème édition du colloque "Climat et Impacts", Nov 2022, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. - hal-03874792 - (Poster)
Diurnal cycle and seasonal evolution of the West African monsoon in thesouthern coastal region
Tanguy M., de Coëtlogon G., Eymard L.
EGU General Assembly 2019, Apr 2019, Vienna (Austria), Austria. pp.EGU2019-15385 - hal-04135404 - (Communications sans actes)
Air-sea interaction in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic at intraseasonal timescales in boreal spring and summer: a quasi-biweekly equatorial oscillation
de Coëtlogon G., Leduc-Leballeur M., Meynadier R., Bastin S., Diakhaté M., Eymard L., Giordani H., Janicot S., Lazar A.
Ateliers de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère 2013: Modélisation des surfaces continentales & Variabilité et prévisibilité intrasaisonnières, Jan 2013, Toulouse, France - hal-00785725 - (Communications sans actes)
Role of air-sea interactions on the coastal rainfall in the Gulf of Guinea during boreal spring
Leduc-Leballeur M., de Coëtlogon G., Eymard L.
EGU General Assembly 2012, Apr 2012, Vienne, Austria. pp.11824 - hal-00790385 - (Communications sans actes)
Air-sea interaction in the Gulf of Guinea at intraseasonal timescales: wind bursts and coastal precipitation in boreal spring
Leduc-Leballeur M., Eymard L., de Coëtlogon G.
4th AMMA International Conference, Jun 2012, Toulouse, France - hal-00723826 - (Communications sans actes)
Air-sea interaction in the Gulf of Guinea at intraseasonal timescales : A quasi-biweekly oscillation in the eastern equatorial Atlantic
de Coëtlogon G., Leduc-Leballeur M., Meynadier R., Bastin S., Eymard L., Janicot S., Lazar A., Diakhaté M.
4th AMMA International Conference, Jun 2012, Toulouse, France - hal-00723388 - (Communications sans actes)
Impact of the air-sea coupling in the Gulf of Guinea on the Guinean coastal water cycle in boreal spring
Meynadier R., de Coëtlogon G., Eymard L., Leduc-Leballeur M., Bastin S., Janicot S., Bock O., Flamant C.
4th AMMA International Conference, Jun 2012, Toulouse, France - hal-00723384 - (Communications sans actes)
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