
Sébastien Ruocco
Membre du département electronique
Sebastien.Ruocco @
Tél : 0180285192
Tél : 0144278447

Visitez sa page personnelle

Publications au LATMOS depuis sa création (2009)

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture


Measurements of Magnetic Field Fluctuations for Plasma Wave Investigation by the Search Coil Magnetometers (SCM) Onboard Bepicolombo Mio (Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter)
Yagitani S., Ozaki M., Sahraoui F., Mirioni L., Mansour M., Chanteur G., Coillot C., Ruocco S., Leray V., Hikishima M., Alison D. et al.
Space Science Reviews, 2020, 216 (7), pp.111. ⟨10.1007/s11214-020-00734-2⟩ - hal-03043414


Identification of organic molecules with a laboratory prototype based on the Laser Ablation-CosmOrbitrap
Selliez L., Briois C., Carrasco N., Thirkell L., Thissen R., Ito M., Orthous-Daunay R., Chalumeau G., Colin F., Cottin H., Engrand C. et al.
Planetary and Space Science, 2019, 170, pp.42-51. ⟨10.1016/j.pss.2019.03.003⟩ - insu-02069251


Principle and Performance of a Dual-Band Search Coil Magnetometer: A New Instrument to Investigate Fluctuating Magnetic Fields in Space
Coillot C., Moutoussamy J., Lebourgeois R., Ruocco S., Chanteur G.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2009, 10 (2), pp.255-260. ⟨10.1109/JSEN.2009.2030977⟩ - hal-00602761

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