
Christophe Caudoux
Membre du département electronique

Bureau: Guy-B2145
Tél : 0180285151

Visitez sa page personnelle

Publications au LATMOS depuis sa création (2009)

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture


Cyclogenesis in the Tropical Atlantic: First Scientific Highlights from the Clouds–Atmospheric Dynamics–Dust Interactions in West Africa (CADDIWA) Field Campaign
Flamant C., Chaboureau J.-P., Delanoë J., Gaetani M., Jamet C., Lavaysse C., Bock O., Borne M., Cazenave Q., Coutris P., Cuesta J. et al.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2024, 105 (2), pp.E387 - E417. ⟨10.1175/bams-d-23-0230.1⟩ - insu-04475007


ICE GENESIS: Synergetic Aircraft and Ground-Based Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements of Snowfall Microphysical Properties
Billault-Roux A.-C., Grazioli J., Delanoë J., Jorquera S., Pauwels N., Viltard N., Martini A., Mariage V., Le Gac C., Caudoux C., Aubry C. et al.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2023, 104 (2), pp.E367-E388. ⟨10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0184.1⟩ - insu-04012416


EUREC4A observations from the SAFIRE ATR42 aircraft
Bony S., Lothon M., Delanoë J., Coutris P., Etienne J.-C., Aemisegger F., Albright A., André T., Bellec H., Baron A., Bourdinot J.-F. et al.
Earth System Science Data, 2022, 14 (4), pp.2021-2064. ⟨10.5194/essd-14-2021-2022⟩ - insu-03517872

Thinice : campagne de mesure aéroportée dédiée à l'étude des dépressions arctiques et des interactions avec les nuages et la banquise
Rivière G., Raillard L., Delanoë J., Bounissou S., Caudoux C., Cossalter L., Huet K., Cozzolino C., Jourdan O., Gourbeyre C., Aubry C. et al.
La Météorologie, 2022, 119, pp.4-5. ⟨10.37053/lameteorologie-2022-0074⟩ - hal-04285379


Ash sedimentation by fingering and sediment thermals from wind-affected volcanic plumes
Freret-Lorgeril V., Gilchrist J., Donnadieu F., Jellinek A., Delanoë J., Latchimy T., Vinson J.-P., Caudoux C., Peyrin F., Hervier C., Valade S. et al.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 534 (15 March), 116072. ⟨10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116072⟩ - insu-02458944


BASTA: A 95-GHz FMCW Doppler radar for cloud and fog studies
Delanoë J., Protat A., Vinson J.-P., Brett W., Caudoux C., Bertrand F., Parent Du Châtelet J., Hallali R., Barthès L., Haeffelin M., Dupont J.-C. et al.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2016, 33 (5), pp.1023-1038. ⟨10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0104.1⟩ - insu-01278272


A new platform for the determination of air-sea fluxes (OCARINA): Overview and first results
Bourras D., Branger H., Reverdin G., Marié L., Cambra R., Baggio L., Caudoux C., Caudal G., Morisset S., Geyskens N., Weill A. et al.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2014, 31 (5), pp.1043-1062. ⟨10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00055.1⟩ - hal-00863606


Surpact: A SMOS Surface Wave Rider for Air-Sea Interaction
Reverdin G., Morisset S., Bourras D., Martin N., Lourenço A., Boutin J., Caudoux C., Font J., Salvador J.
Oceanography, 2013, 26 (1), pp.48-57. ⟨10.5670/oceanog.2013.04⟩ - hal-00850053


Analysis of RFI Identification and Mitigation in CAROLS Radiometer Data Using a Hardware Spectrum Analyser
Fanise P., Pardé M., Zribi M., Dechambre M., Caudoux C.
Sensors, 2011, 11 (3), pp.3037-3050. ⟨10.3390/s110303037⟩ - hal-00592547

Communications avec actes


EISS: An HF mono and bistatic GPR for terrestrial and planetary deep soundings
Biancheri-Astier M., Hassen-Khodja R., Ciarletti V., Corbel C., Simon Y., Caudoux C., Faroux J., Dolon F., Leray V., Reineix A., Plettermeier D. et al.
13th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Jun 2010, Lecce, Italy. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550226⟩ - hal-00544200


Modélisation des antennes électriques et magnétiques du GPR EISS pour la mission Exomars
Biancheri-Astier M., Ciarletti V., Reineix A., Corbel C., Dolon F., Simon Y., Caudoux C., Lapauw L., Berthelier J.-J., Ney R.
Journées scientifiques 2009 d'URSI-France: Propagation et Télédétection, Mar 2009, Paris, France. pp.369-386 - hal-00545766



Development of Tropical Cyclones from African Easterly Waves : comparative study of three African Easterly Wave events during the CADDIWA campaign
Jonville T., Flamant C., Lavaysse C., Delanoë J., Richard P., Bounissou S., Cazenave Q., Colomb H., Caudoux C., Peyrillé P., Cornillault E. et al.
EGU General Assembly 2023, Apr 2023, Vienna (Austria), Austria. pp.EGU23-1087, ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1087⟩ - insu-04070512 - (Communications sans actes)

Overview and first analysis of the in situ microphysical measurement dataset collected during the CADDIWA mission
Coutris P., Febvre G., Jaffeux L., Bazantay C., Aubry C., Caudoux C., Delanoë J., Schwarzenboeck A., Flamant C.
EGU23, the 25th EGU General Assembly, May 2023, Vienna and Online, Austria. EGU-13084, ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu23-13084⟩ - insu-04464484 - (Communications sans actes)


Raman lidars for a better understanding of pollution in the Arctic System (PARCS)
Chazette P., Raut J.-C., Totems J., Shang X., Caudoux C., Delanoë J., Law K. S.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 176, art. 04005 (4 p.), 2018, (The 28th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 28), Bucharest 2017), ⟨10.1051/epjconf/201817604005⟩ - insu-01562007 - (Prépublication, Document de travail)

Radars aéroportés au LATMOS
Le Gac C., Pauwels N., Delanoë J., Hauser D., Caudoux C.
Radars : Technologies, Méthodologies et Applications R-TMA-2018, Dec 2018, Guyancourt, France - insu-02081893 - (Communications sans actes)


Le radar BASTA, une alternative aux radars pulsés à 95GHz avec de multiples applications
Delanoë J., Vinson J.-P., Brett W., Bertrand F., Caudoux C., Parent Du Châtelet J., Hallali R., Protat A., Haeffelin M., Dupont J.-­.
Séminaire de l'Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC), Nov 2014, Clermont-Ferrand, France - hal-01108965 - (Communications sans actes)

BASTA : a 95GHz FM-­‐CW Cloud radar
Delanoë J., Vinson J.-P., Brett W., Bertrand F., Caudoux C., Protat A., Haeffelin M., Dupont J.-­., Parent Du Châtelet J.
Journée Scientifique SIRTA 2014, Jun 2014, Palaiseau, France. 2014 - hal-01108926 - (Poster)

Campagne TEMERAIRE (Test de la Mesure de la Réfractivité Atmosphèrique par Radar à l'Echelle hectométrique) - été 2014
Hallali R., Dalaudier F., Parent Du Châtelet J., Wilson R., Delanoë J., Dupont E., Musson-Genon L., Legain D., Le Gac C., Pauwels N., Vinson J.-P. et al.
Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation, Nov 2014, Toulouse, France. 2014 - hal-01138818 - (Poster)

An update on cloud dynamic and microphysics products derived from RASTA measurements during HYMEX-SOP1
Delanoë J., Vinson J.-P., Caudoux C., Ceccaldi M., Fontaine E., Schwarzenboeck A., Flamant C.
8th HyMeX Workshop, Sep 2014, La Valletta, Malta. pp.P2.14, 2014 - insu-01140560 - (Poster)


Cloud dynamic and microphysics derived from RASTA measurements during HyMeX SOP1
Delanoë J., Vinson J.-P., Caudoux C., Ceccaldi M., Fontaine E., Schwarzenboeck A., Flamant C.
7th HyMeX Workshop, Oct 2013, Cassis, France - insu-01183550 - (Communications sans actes)


OCARINA : a new platform dedicated to measurements of Air-Sea fluxes
Bourras D., Caudoux C., Baggio L., Luisset E., Gilbert P., Pineau J.-P., Correia J.-J., Geyskens N., Clémençon A., Branger H.
EGU General Assembly 2012, Apr 2012, Vienne, Austria - hal-00711272 - (Communications sans actes)


Modelling of EISS GPR's electrical and magnetic antennas for ExoMars mission
Biancheri-Astier M., Ciarletti V., Reineix A., Corbel C., Dolon F., Simon Y., Caudoux C., Lapauw L., Berthelier J.-J.
EGU General Assembly 2009, Apr 2009, Vienna (Austria), Austria. pp.EGU2009-13160-1 - hal-04113616 - (Communications sans actes)

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