
Emile Brighi
Membre du département planeto
emile.brighi @
Tél : 0180285094

Visitez sa page personnelle

Publications au LATMOS depuis sa création (2009)

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture


Retrieval of the ground dielectric permittivity by planetary GPR accommodated on a rover: Application to the estimation of the reflectors' depth by the WISDOM/ExoMars radar
Oudart N., Ciarletti V., Le Gall A., Herve Y., Brighi E.
Planetary and Space Science, 2022, 224, pp.105606. ⟨10.1016/j.pss.2022.105606⟩ - insu-03860894



The WISDOM GPR on board the ESA’s ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover – Focus on tools developed for a quantitative data interpretation
Ciarletti V., Le Gall A., Brighi E., Oudart N., Herve Y., Plettemeier D., Benedix W.-S., Hegler S., Lu Y., Corbel C., Hassen-Khodja R. et al.
Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Sep 2024, Berlin, Germany. pp.EPSC2024-939, ⟨10.5194/epsc2024-939⟩ - insu-04691498 - (Communications sans actes)

Analysis of the Martian subsurface from the observation of the Rover Subsurface Penetrating Radar (RoSPR) onboard Tianwen-
Zhang Z., Schmidt F., Su Y., Oudart N., Le Gall A., Saintenoy A., Brighi E., Ciarletti V., Léger E., Costard F., Séjourné A. et al.
Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Sep 2024, Berlin, Germany. pp.EPSC2024-441, ⟨10.5194/epsc2024-441⟩ - insu-04688317 - (Communications sans actes)

Spectral analysis of radargrams of the Martian subsurface to constrain scatterer sizes-Application to RoSPR/Zhurong and RIMFAX/Perseverance GPR data
Brighi E., Oudart N., Ciarletti V., Le Gall A., Zhang Z., Su Y., Schmidt F., Saintenoy A., Hamran S.-E.
Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Sep 2024, Berlin, Germany. pp.EPSC2024-439, ⟨10.5194/epsc2024-439⟩ - hal-04687279 - (Communications sans actes)

PyBWE: Open-Source Python tools for Super-Resolution applied to Planetary Radar Soundings
Oudart N., Ciarletti V., Le Gall A., Brighi E.
Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Sep 2024, Berlin, Germany. pp.EPSC2024-170, ⟨10.5194/epsc2024-170⟩ - insu-04684553 - (Communications sans actes)


ExoMars – WISDOM Field-Test Data Processed with Automatic Pipeline
Plettemeier D., Benedix W.-S., Hegler S., Hahnel R., Statz C., Lu Y., Ciarletti V., Brighi E., Le Gall A., Sall I., Mas E. et al.
EGU General Assembly 2023, Sep 2023, Vienna (Austria), Austria. pp.EGU23-16376, ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu23-16376⟩ - insu-04015250 - (Communications sans actes)


GPR field-tests on Svalbard – WISDOM on ExoMars
Plettemeier D., Benedix W. S., Hahnel R., Statz C., Laabs M., Zakutin E., Lu Y., Ciarletti V., Brighi E., Le Gall A., Sall I. et al.
AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Dec 2022, Chicago, United States. pp.P35F-1926 - insu-03914738 - (Poster)

Identifying heterogeneity sizes in the subsurface with WISDOM, the GPR of the ExoMars mission
Brighi E., Ciarletti V., Le Gall A., de Lamberterie F.-W., Herve Y., Oudart N.
Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Sep 2022, Granada, Spain. pp.EPSC2022-55, ⟨10.5194/epsc2022-55⟩ - insu-03752781 - (Communications sans actes)

Derniére mise à jour le 09/09/2024 à 03:46:28