
Marjolaine Chiriaco
Membre du département space, strato
Marjolaine.Chiriaco @
Tél : 0180285249

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Publications au LATMOS depuis sa création (2009)

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture


Precipitation frequency in Med-CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX ensembles from 0.44° to convection-permitting resolution: impact of model resolution and convection representation
Ha M., Bastin S., Drobinski P., Fita L., Polcher J., Bock O., Chiriaco M., Belušić D., Caillaud C., Dobler A., Fernandez J. et al.
Climate Dynamics, In press, ⟨10.1007/s00382-022-06594-6⟩ - insu-03916220


The surface longwave cloud radiative effect derived from space lidar observations
Arouf A., Chepfer H., Vaillant de Guélis T., Chiriaco M., Shupe M., Guzman R., Feofilov A., Raberanto P., L’ecuyer T., Kato S., Gallagher M. et al.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2022, 15 (12), pp.3893-3923. ⟨10.5194/amt-15-3893-2022⟩ - insu-03501782

Southern Ocean Solar Reflection Biases in CMIP6 Models Linked to Cloud Phase and Vertical Structure Representations
Cesana G., Khadir T., Chepfer H., Chiriaco M.
Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49 (22), pp.e2022GL099777. ⟨10.1029/2022GL099777⟩ - insu-03872791

Comparison of scattering ratio profiles retrieved from ALADIN/Aeolus and CALIOP/CALIPSO observations and preliminary estimates of cloud fraction profiles
Feofilov A., Chepfer H., Noël V., Guzman R., Gindre C., Ma P.-L., Chiriaco M.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2022, 15 (4), pp.1055-1074. ⟨10.5194/amt-15-1055-2022⟩ - insu-03201876


Estimation of the terms acting on local 1 h surface temperature variations in Paris region: the specific contribution of clouds
Rojas O., Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Ringard J.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 21 (20), pp.15699-15723. ⟨10.5194/acp-21-15699-2021⟩ - hal-03229033


Impact of humidity biases on light precipitation occurrence: observations versus simulations
Bastin S., Drobinski P., Chiriaco M., Bock O., Roehrig R., Gallardo C., Conte D., Domínguez Alonso M., Li L., Lionello P., Parracho A. C. et al.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 19 (3), pp.1471-1490. ⟨10.5194/acp-19-1471-2019⟩ - insu-02006049

ELIFAN, an algorithm for the estimation of cloud cover from sky imagers
Lothon M., Barnéoud P., Gabella O., Lohou F., Derrien S., Rondi S., Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Dupont J.-C., Haeffelin M., Badosa J. et al.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2019, 12 (10), pp.5519-5534. ⟨10.5194/amt-12-5519-2019⟩ - insu-02321633

Recent trends in climate variability at the local scale using 40 years of observations: the case of the Paris region of France
Ringard J., Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Habets F.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 19 (20), pp.13129-13155. ⟨10.5194/acp-19-13129-2019⟩ - insu-02095902


Characterization of vertical cloud variability over Europe using spatial lidar observations and regional simulation
Chakroun M., Bastin S., Chiriaco M., Chepfer H.
Climate Dynamics, 2018, 51 (3), pp.813-835. ⟨10.1007/s00382-016-3037-3⟩ - insu-01282729

The diurnal cycle of cloud profiles over land and ocean between 51°S and 51°N, seen by the CATS spaceborne lidar from the International Space Station
Noël V., Chepfer H., Chiriaco M., Yorks J.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 18, pp.9457-9473. ⟨10.5194/acp-18-9457-2018⟩ - insu-01754601

Control of radiation and evaporation on temperature variability in a WRF regional climate simulation: comparison with colocated long term ground based observations near Paris
Bastin S., Chiriaco M., Drobinski P.
Climate Dynamics, 2018, 51 (3), pp.985-1003. ⟨10.1007/s00382-016-2974-1⟩ - insu-01282710

ReOBS: a new approach to synthesize long-term multi-variable dataset and application to the SIRTA supersite
Chiriaco M., Dupont J.-C., Bastin S., Badosa J., López J., Haeffelin M., Chepfer H., Guzman R.
Earth System Science Data, 2018, 10 (2), pp.919 - 940. ⟨10.5194/essd-10-919-2018⟩ - insu-01802135

The Potential of a Multidecade Spaceborne Lidar Record to Constrain Cloud Feedback
Chepfer H., Noël V., Chiriaco M., Wielicki B., Winker D., Loeb N., Wood R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018, 123 (10), pp.5433-5454. ⟨10.1002/2017JD027742⟩ - insu-01779101


The influence of synoptic circulations and local processes on temperature anomalies at three French observatories.
Dione C., Lohou F., Chiriaco M., Lothon M., Bastin S., Baray J.-L., Yiou P., Colomb A.
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2017, 58 (1), pp.141-158. ⟨10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0113.1⟩ - hal-01372848


Remote sensing ice supersaturation inside and near cirrusclouds: a case study in the subtropics
Hoareau C., Noël V., Chepfer H., Vidot J., Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Reverdy M., Cesana G.
Atmospheric Science Letters, 2016, 17, pp.639-645. ⟨10.1002/asl.714⟩ - insu-01408828

Parallel Developments and Formal Collaboration between European Atmospheric Profiling Observatories and the U.S. ARM Research Program
Haeffelin M., Crewell S., Illingworth A. J., Pappalardo G., Russchenberg H., Chiriaco M., Ebell K., Hogan R. J., Madonna F.
Meteorological Monographs- American Meteorological Society, 2016, 57, pp.29. ⟨10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-15-0045.1⟩ - insu-01369370


Dry soils exacerbated 2006 heatwave in Northern France
Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Yiou P., Stefanon M., Haeffelin M., Dupont J.-C.
Science for Environment Policy, 2015, pp.n° 405 - hal-01130255

An EarthCARE/ATLID simulator to evaluate cloud description in climate models
Reverdy M., Chepfer H., Donovan D., Noël V., Césana G., Hoareau C., Chiriaco M., Bastin S.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2015, 120 (21), pp.11090-11113. ⟨10.1002/2015JD023919⟩ - insu-01201791


European heatwave in July 2006: Observations and modeling showing how local processes amplify conducive large-scale conditions
Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Yiou P., Haeffelin M., Dupont J.-C., Stéfanon M.
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014, 41 (15), pp.5644-5652. ⟨10.1002/2014GL060205⟩ - hal-01027438

Where and when will we observe cloud changes due to climate warming?
Chepfer H., Noel V., Winker D., Chiriaco M.
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014, 41 (23), pp.8387-8395. ⟨10.1002/2014GL061792⟩ - hal-01082640


Combined influence of atmospheric physics and soil hydrology on the simulated meteorology at the SIRTA atmospheric observatory
Cheruy F., Campoy A., Dupont J.-C., Ducharne A., Hourdin F., Haeffelin M., Chiriaco M., Idelkadi A.
Climate Dynamics, 2013, 40 (9-10), pp.2251-2269. ⟨10.1007/s00382-012-1469-y⟩ - hal-00724478


Long-range transport of Saharan dust and its radiative impact on precipitation forecast: a case study during the Convective and Orographically induced Precipitation Study (COPS)
Chaboureau J.-P., Richard E., Pinty J.-P., Flamant C., Di Girolamo P., Kiemle C., Behrendt A., Chepfer H., Chiriaco M., Wulfmeyer V.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2011, 137 (S1), pp.236-251. ⟨10.1002/qj.719⟩ - hal-00560742

Articles dans des revues sans comité de lecture


Using a data-driven statistical model to better evaluate surface turbulent heat fluxes in weather and climate numerical models: a demonstration study
Zouzoua M., Bastin S., Chiriaco M., Lohou F., Lothon M., Jome M., Mallet C., Barthès L., Canut G.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2024, ⟨10.5194/egusphere-2024-568⟩ - insu-04568077

Communications avec actes


Influence combinée de la physique atmosphérique et de l'hydrologie sur la météorologie simulée au SIRTA
Cheruy F., Campoy A., Dupont J.-C., Ducharnen A., Hourdin F., Haeffelin M., Chiriaco M., Idelkadi A.
AMA 2012 (Atelier de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère), Jan 2012, Toulouse, France - hal-00672570


Synthèse de 10 ans d'observation de l'atmosphère au SIRTA : utilisation pour l'évaluation des modèles de climat dans le cadre d'EUCLIPSE
Chiriaco M., Dupont J.-C., Haeffelin M., Klenov L., Cheruy F., Bony S.
AMA 2011: Ateliers de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère, Feb 2011, Toulouse, France - hal-00675022

Inter-annual variability of tropical cloud cover in a subsidence area using ISCCP and CALIPSO-GOCCP observations : an atmospheric circulation regime analysis
Chiriaco M., Chepfer H., Cesana G.
CloudSat/CALIPSO science team Meeting, Jun 2011, Montreal, Canada - hal-00675026

Synthesis of ground-based atmospheric measurements from 3 European observatories
Chiriaco M., Dupont J.-C., Klenov L., Haeffelin M., Siebesma P., Klein Baltink H., O'Connor E., Cheruy F.
CFMIP/GCSS/EUCLIPSE Meeting on Cloud Processes and Climate Feedbacks, Jun 2011, Exeter, United Kingdom - hal-00674680

Synthèse de 10 ans d'observation de l'atmosphère au SIRTA : utilisation pour l'évaluation des modèles de climat dans le cadre d'EUCLIPSE
Chiriaco M., Dupont J. C., Haeffelin M., Klenov L., Bony S.
Journée Scientifique du SIRTA 2011, May 2011, Palaiseau, France - hal-00675190


Trends and anomalies of tropical cloud cover, using 23 years of ISCCP data
Chiriaco M., Chepfer H.
Gewex Cloud Assessment Meeting, Jun 2010, Berlin, Germany - hal-00675197

Variabilité interannuelle de la couverture nuageuse en île de France
Chiriaco M., Dupont J. C., Klenov L., Haeffelin M.
Journée Scientifique du SIRTA 2010, 2010, Palaiseau, France - hal-00675193

Ouvrages scientifiques


Principes de la télédétection. Applications à l'observation de la Terre et son climat
Chepfer H., Picon L., Bonazzola M., Brogniez H., Chiriaco M., Turquety S.
Dunod, 352 p., 2023, 9782100843329/9782100858316 - insu-04173544



Withdrawn: Advances in Aerosol Measurements Enabled by the Clio HSRL Instrument on the NASA AOS Mission
Hostetler C., Smith J., Ferrare R., Burton S., Powell K., Thorsen T. J., Vaughan M., Hair J. W., Scholz R., Marais W., Eloranta E. W. et al.
AMS 2023 - 103rd Annual Meeting, Jan 2023, Denver (Colorado), United States - insu-04216361 - (Communications sans actes)


Scattering ratio profiles retrieved from ALADIN/Aeolus and CALIOP/CALIPSO lidar observations: instantaneous overlaps, statistical comparison, and sensitivity to high clouds
Feofilov A., Chepfer H., Noël V., Chiriaco M.
EGU General Assembly 2021, Apr 2021, online, France. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4746⟩ - hal-03201005 - (Communications sans actes)

Precipitation frequency in MED and EURO-CORDEX ensembles from 0.44° to convective permitting resolution: what explains the differences?
Ha M., Bastin S., Drobinski P., Fita L., Chiriaco M., Polcher J., Bock O.
EGU21, the 23rd EGU General Assembly, Apr 2021, Online, Unknown Region. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8843⟩ - insu-03560948 - (Communications sans actes)


Contribution of clouds radiative forcing to the local surface temperature variability
Rojas O., Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Ringard J.
EGU General Assembly 2020, May 2020, Online presentation, Germany. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-14932⟩ - hal-02877259 - (Communications sans actes)


Disagreement among global cloud distributions from CALIOP, passive satellite sensors and general circulation models
Noel V., Chepfer H., Chiriaco M., Winker D., Okamoto H., Hagihara Y., Cesana G., Lacour A.
2018 - insu-01735143 - (Prépublication, Document de travail)

The Diurnal Cycles of Cloud Profiles and Water Vapor over Land and Ocean seen by the CATS Spaceborne Lidar and Megha-Tropiques Sensors
Noël V., Chepfer H., Chiriaco M., Brogniez H., Yorks J., Raberanto P.
ATMOS 2018, Nov 2018, Salzburg, Austria - insu-01979657 - (Communications sans actes)

Leveraging Upcoming 355-nm Channels in Space Lidars for Cloud Science: Comparison With 532-nm and Case Studies from the IPRAL Ground-Based Lidar
Chiriaco M., Chepfer H., Noël V., Pietras C.
ATMOS 2018, Nov 2018, Salzburg, Austria - insu-01979667 - (Communications sans actes)


Variabilite des nuages en Europe: utilisation combinee CALIPSO/simulation régionale WRF/MedCordex
Chakroun M., Bastin S., Chiriaco M., Chepfer H.
The EECLAT 2015 Workshop, Jan 2015, Ploumanach, France - insu-01146209 - (Communications sans actes)

Evaluating multimodel variability of humidity over Europe using long term GPS network and ground base datasets
Bastin S., Bock O., Parracho A., Chiriaco M., Ahrens B., Conte D., Dominguez Alonso M., Li L., Roehrig R., Drobinski P.
9th HyMex Workshop, Sep 2015, Mykonos, Greece. 2015 - insu-01208072 - (Poster)

Comment expliquer la variabilité du climat à l'échelle régionale ? Utilisation de SIRTA-reOBS
Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Haeffelin M., Dupont J.-C., Badosa J., Lopez J.
Ateliers de modélisation de l'atmosphère 2015, Jan 2015, Toulouse, France - insu-01141338 - (Communications sans actes)


Rôle des nuages dans l'anomalie de température de l'hiver 2007 en Europe
Chakroun M., Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Chepfer H., Césana G., Yiou P.
EECLAT 2014 Workshop, Jan 2014, La Rochelle, France - insu-01146354 - (Communications sans actes)

10 ans de cycle diurne des nuages au SIRTA : une analyse en régimes de temps
Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Chepfer H., Dupont J.-C., Noël V., Hoareau C., Yiou P.
Journée Scientifique SIRTA 2014, Jun 2014, Palaiseau, France - hal-01030849 - (Communications sans actes)

Coupling CALIOP observations and regional simulations at 20km resolution: is that a good candidate to study cloud variability at the regional scale?
Chakroun M., Bastin S., Chiriaco M., Chepfer H.
CALIPSO/CloudSat Science Team Meeting, Nov 2014, Alexandria, United States - insu-01146362 - (Poster)

Building a 15-Year Cloud Climatology using Lidar in Space Observations: CALIOP and CloudSat now, EarthCARE next.
Reverdy M., Chepfer H., Donovan D., Noel V., Marchand R., Cesana G., Hoareau C., Chiriaco M., Bastin S.
AGU Fall Meeting 2014, Dec 2014, San Francisco, United States. pp.A31I-3128 - hal-01116167 - (Communications sans actes)

Using regional simulations and spatial lidar to study regional cloud variability
Chakroun M., Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Chepfer H.
7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle, Jul 2014, La Hague, Netherlands - insu-01146416 - (Poster)


Complementarity of CORDEX runs and ground-based observations to evaluate the contribution of large-scale circulation to temperature variability around Paris.
Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Yiou P.
CORDEX Conference, 2013, Brussels, Belgium - hal-00856080 - (Communications sans actes)

Evaluation of MED-CORDEX simulations using lon-term ground-based observations and A-Train satellite data
Bastin S., Rysman J.-F., Chiriaco M., Delanoë J., Lemaître Y.
CORDEX Conference, 2013, Brussels, Belgium - hal-00856085 - (Communications sans actes)


L'implication de l'OPAR (Observatoire de Physique de l'Atmosphère de la Réunion) dans ROSEA (Réseau d'Observatoires pour la Surveillance de l'Eau Atmosphérique)
Haeffelin M., Coulomb A., Baray J.-L., Bastin S., Chiriaco M., Delmas R., Dupont T., Gheusi F., Jumelet J., Keckhut P., Lohou M. et al.
Journée scientifique du Sirta, May 2012, Palaiseau, France - hal-00968053 - (Communications sans actes)

Evolution over two decades of the tropical clouds in a subsidence area and their relation to large-scale environment
Chiriaco M., Chepfer H., Reverdy M., Cesana G.
2012 - hal-00856000 - (Prépublication, Document de travail)

Le rôle des nuages sur la variabilité du climat régional en Ile de France : comparaisons observations SIRTA/simulation WRF-CORDEX lors d'une analyse en régime de circulation
Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Dupont J.-C., Klenov L., Haeffelin M., Lebeaupin C.
AMA 2012 (Atelier de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère), Jan 2012, Toulouse, France - hal-00673393 - (Poster)


Interannual variability of the cloud cover in the Paris area : a synoptic regime analysis
Chiriaco M., Fréville H., Bastin S., Dupont J.-C., Salameh T., Klenov L., Haeffelin M.
EMS. 11th European Meteorological Society (EMS) Annual Conference, Sep 2011, Berlin, Germany. 8, pp.EMS2011-53, 2011 - hal-00668299 - (Poster)

Variabilité interannuelle des nuages en Ile de France : comparaisons SIRTA/WRF-CORDEX
Chiriaco M., Bastin S., Dupont J.-C., Klenov L., Lebeaupin C., Fréville H.
journée thématique CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment), Jun 2011, Paris, France - hal-00675051 - (Communications sans actes)


Use of CALIPSO lidar observations to characterize and evaluate the cloudiness simulated by the WRF model over the Mediterranean area: methodolgy and diagnostics
Bastin S., Rouvière F., Chepfer H., Chiriaco M.
4th HYMEX (HYdrological cycle Mediterranean EXperiment) Workshop, Jun 2010, Bologna, Italy - hal-00668042 - (Poster)


Evaluation of the performance of the WRF model to reproduce the cloud cover and clouds features over the Mediterranean area using the CALIPSO lidar observations
Bastin S., Chepfer H., Chiriaco M., Cesana G.
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, Dec 2009, San Francisco, United States - hal-00668863 - (Communications sans actes)

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